Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Good Stewards 10/22-26/19

22-26 October 2019 - Good Stewards – Manna by Dorothy Callies
1 Peter 4:10 “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

The word, steward, means to serve others. Manifold means many ways to serve others. As NIV explained it: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” In another words, we can show God’s grace through our action of serving others.

            “A group of teenagers on a ministry trip in Jamaica were enjoying some downtime with a game of Ultimate Frisbee.  But when someone noticed that a boat had overturned off a nearby beach, the game ended and the teens eagerly rushed to the water to help.
            There they found a small group of professional boat operators struggling with their craft—trying to turn it upright.  That’s where the teens could help.  They waded in, put their young strength to work, and together they were able to right the boat.
            What happened that day in the Caribbean Sea reminds me of what can happen in the church.  The “professionals,” the pastor and others who are trained to lead the church, face a task they can’t do alone. It’s often a struggle to get the work of the church done until laypeople join in and work alongside the leadership.
            This was the situation in Acts 6.  Some in the church were being neglected and the “professionals,” the apostles who were leading the church, realized they couldn’t do everything themselves.  Only when seven laypeople pitched in to help the leaders could the church proceed.
            How can you come alongside your pastor and other leaders to help keep your church moving ahead?” –Dave Branon (Our Daily Bread devotion)
Let us sing! Jesus, Use Me!
Je-sus, use me,
And O, Lord don’t refuse me,
For surely there’s a work that I can do . . .
And even though it’s humble,
Help my will to crumble, (break down)
Though the cost be great –
I’ll work for You . . .
[Inspiring Choruses]

May the Lord bless you real good!


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