Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Building Character 8 - 5/1-4/19

01-04 May 2019 - Building Character 8 – Manna by Dorothy & Tony Callies
Theme: Patience Builds Character - Series 8

NCV – James 1:2-3 “… when you have many kinds of troubles . . . you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience.”

KJV James 1:2-3 KJV “… when you fall into divers (all kind of) temptations (trials); knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”

The word, perseverance does not have the same meaning as patience.  Perseverance means to keep at something while the dictionary defines the word patience as “the ability to be calm, tolerant, and understanding.”  To be calm is to be free from being stressful. To tolerant is an ability to put up with something harmful or unpleasant.  To be understanding is to get to know something and have ability to judge the difference between right and wrong.

For most of us, patience is a hard thing to take control of, but that’s exactly what it means, “to take control of.” The Bible teaches that we are to learn to wait patiently for the things that God has a plan for us even when waiting is difficult. In Psalm 37:7 encourages us to “be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.”  

Dorothy: Boy! Sometimes I find it hard and difficult to wait patiently for God to show us His plans for everything that He needed to do. This is something I really need to experience the calmness and be able to accept things that are not going smoothly and to understand that God knows what is happening with me and Tony and that God is really, really at work inside of us. 

Tony fell last April 22, 2019 in the bedroom stumbled over the covers spread out on the rug with walker and his right chest hurts.  The x-ray shows that he has a very small fracture in his rib and it would take time to heal itself and its sore muscles. He was able to get up with his knees and with the support of the front chair and another chair behind him. He got up and walk fine, but slower due to the pain in his right side of ribs.

I started to work more closely with Tony than before.  Studying the Manna on “Patience builds character,” I noticed something difference after Tony’s fall, it seems to be the biggest theme for me is patience . . . builds . . . character . . . So God was indeed at work and I noticed something . . .

What are you going through? Can’t imagine that God is really in those things?  Even at the worst time? Is God really into our “mess”?  Is He there? Things that seems broken, God designed it to make something beautiful, something glorified, and something that we cannot imagine that anything good would come out of it.  But God uses anything, just anything to glorify Him and His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  This is what I need to believe and to remember that God uses patience to build our character. 

Prayer: Oh, Lord God, Father, I cannot imagine that so many things we do . . . takes patience to allow You to work on our characters.  No wonder You ask us to put our faith in You and to trust in Your wisdom.  Thank You for allowing me to experience “calmness” which is related to “patience.”  Amazing grace! How sweet it is that save a wretch like me. I didn’t understand before, but now I see Your wisdom in building a character like me.  Thank You, Father, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

God bless you!

Song: Amazing Grace!
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
(John Newton; John P. Rees, Sing His Praise)

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