Thursday, March 7, 2019

Pain No More 3/6-10/19

06-10 March 2019 – Pain No More – Manna by Dorothy and Tony Callies

What will make God wipe away every tear from their eyes?  Upon new earth, when the heavenly New Jerusalem will come down upon the ground, God will finally come out in person and all eyes shall be upon Him and His people shall see His face.  There will be a lot of tears because it’s the first time God, the Father showed Himself openly to His people in person. God Himself will wipe every tear from their eyes . . .  And there shall be no more pain . . .  

Oh, isn’t this worth it?  For some who might thought it’s impossible . . . then let’s read from Revelation 21:1-4 “. . . a new heaven and a new earth . . . holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God . . . Behold, God is with men, and He shall dwell with them, and they shall be His people.  God Himself will be with them and be their God.  And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes . . . There shall be no more pain . . . And in Rev. 22:4 “They shall see His face . . .”  

What brought this up?  Pain! All kinds of pains.  Seeing the verse that quote, “no more pain,” But also seeing the verse that opened my eyes was when the new Jerusalem will be set upon a new earth, and God Himself will come out and all of us will see Him for the first time and our eyes shall be filled with tears.  He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and finally there will be no more pain.  When we look at His face for the first time, the pain just simply disappeared forever.  

There are so many subjects about all kinds of “pains.” We know that God’s presence is here although we do not see His face, but His presence is so very real.  He comforts us with the pains of loss of loved ones, pains of families’ issues, pains of suffering, and many more.  God’s Words stays true and still He heals today.  What makes us able to endure all things? Face to Face with Christ.

Song: Face to Face
What rejoicing in His presence,
When are banished grief and pain,
When the crooked ways are straightened
And the dark things shall be plain.
Face to face I shall behold Him,
Far beyond the starry sky,
Face to face in all His glory,
I shall see Him by and by!

Face to face! O blissful moment!
Face to face—to see and know;
Face to face with my Redeemer,
Jesus Christ who loves me so.
Then Chorus: (Lyrics: Carrie E. Breck, Sing His Praise)

God bless you!
PS. I just lost two brother-in-law who were in their 90’s, Jan 21 and Feb. 24th. They are my oldest sisters’ husband who were in the navy, etc.  Also Tony’s result from Orthro doctor said that it is not dislocated hip. Tony is okay. He just need exercise to keep his right hip in level of walking. 

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