Sunday, December 10, 2017

Falling Away Series 5 12/10/17

10 December 2017 - The Falling Away 5 – Feb. 2009 Manna by Dorothy Callies

Theme: Falling Away: Love Not the Truth.
2 Thes. 2:10 “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of truth, that they might be saved.” 2Thes.2:12b “…who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” KJV

The secret evil powers are working within the church, the apostasy, the falling away from the true faith in the Son of God. The apostasy, the falling away seeks freedom to do what they want and to take pleasure in sin. The apostasy, the falling away who did not love the truth, and entertained themselves with evil and immorality [wrongdoing; lewdness (dirty); unchastely, (no control)], will experience the wrath of God.

The steps which lead to apostasy are the believers within the churches who would be influenced by different kind of teachings that lead them not to believe God’s truth.

What are the things that we should take notice about the apostasy and their teachings?

1) Professing believers will accept “new revelation” even though it conflicts with the revealed Word of God. This will lead to opposition to Biblical truth within the churches.

2) Those who preach distorted [change from truth] gospel may gain leadership positions in different churches and theological schools of Christendom [Christian part of the world or all Christians] which gives them a chance to deceive and mislead many within the church. They may focus on the personalities of a person more than the Creator.

3) They seek religious experiences and supernatural manifestations rather than God’s Word. Those are a few examples of Apostasy, the falling away.

The key to being a true Christian will be our loyalty to Christ and love the truth which is God’s Word; a total commitment to the truth of God’s Word and follows the Biblical righteousness of living. We can be protected against being deceived, how? It will be our enduring faith and love for Christ, in a commitment to the absolute authority of His Word and in a thorough knowledge of that Word.

Matt.24:13 ‘he that endure to the end shall be saved.’ This should encourage us to stay close to Jesus, keep our faith in the Son of God. This is why we often need to memorize some songs that keep us in tune with God.

May the Holy Spirit helps us stay loyal to our Lord Jesus Christ who came in the flesh and died for our sins, arose from grave, went to heaven and will come back soon to take us home. My friends, stay true to Christ.

God loves you and so do I.

PS. [Some notes came from commentary, the Full Life Study Bible]

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