Nov. 2016 - The Apple of His Eye – Manna by Dorothy Callies
17:8 “Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings”
psalmist uses two figures (represents) which
looked back of God’s love and care for His faithful people. The first figure, “The apple of the eye” is
the pupil and is a Hebrew metaphor (word
or phrase meaning) expressing something greatly valued and dear. The second
figure, “The shadow of thy wings” is a metaphor drawn from the imagery (picture idea) of a hen that protects
her young with her wings; so it expresses tender protection.
used this metaphor (word of phrase
meaning) to express His love for Israel (Matt. 23:37). All believers should pray that God will reach
out to protect us in times of danger just like someone who instinctively (have natural ability) reacts to guard (protect) the pupil of the eye from
harm, and that the Heavenly Father will always be ready to hide and shield us
as a mother hen covers her chicks (Ps. 91:4). [*Commentary from the Full Life Study Bible and I
add the meaning the words.]
Dorothy: The apple of His eyes
reminds me of a song that seems to fit Psalm 17:8 the prayer of David asking
God to protect him from danger. Let us
focus on God who is always watching over us in time of danger.
We’ve Got a Great Big Wonderful God
(Song collections,
author, unknown)
We’ve got a great big wonderful
Great big wonderful God,
A God who’s always victorious,
Always watching over us—
Great big wonderful God.
We’ve got a great big wonderful
Great big wonderful God—
A God who loves every one of us,
Does so much for all of us,
Great big wonderful God.
He never, never, never leaves us,
He’s always standing by –
To pick us up if we stumble,
the apple of His eye. –
We’ve got a great big wonderful
Great big wonderful God -
O what a glory it is to sing
Praises to the coming King -
Great big wonderful God.
Our great big wonderful God.
May the Lord bless you today!
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