Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What Is That In Your Hand? (10/1-3)

Exodus 4:2 So the Lord said to [Moses], “What is that in your hand?”

Do you ever have some kind of a thought that you lost hope over the chance that you had missed or that you lost an opportunity to do something for God? We cannot bring back the past and do it right, but we can do something by asking God this question, “What is Your plan for me, Lord?” This is about doing God’s will which really mean God’s plan.

I remember when we thought that we would do great things for the Lord, but eventually we realized God had another plan for us, a simple plan to do few things that we would not have thought of. One of God’s plan when we were living in Carol Stream, Illinois, was to put 7 classics films into four DVDs. Another of God’s plan was for me to get started with Fresh Manna from Heaven in May 2007 before we moved to Bloomington, IL in June 2007.  

This would not have happened if we had stayed in Ohio [2001-2003]. So I looked back and thought that we had lost our opportunity to do something for the Lord. When we moved to Carol Stream, Illinois to work for DVC [2003-2007], I was in the basement cleaning out some storage stuff. I saw several old Super 8 Films, the great films were popular in 1970’s through 1980’s throughout the United States. Then VHS technology came. Then there was another God’s plan to do the VHS Ministry. So I thought about throwing away the old Super 8 Films of movies we had made since the new technology had changed. Suddenly, God spoke to my heart and said, “Don’t you dare throw away the old movies.”  

I said to the Lord, “What can I do with the old classic Super 8 movies.” VHS takes place of it and also DVD. God clearly spoke to my heart, “Convert that Super 8 movies into DVD. Check out around and find out who could do this job.” Soon I learned that Texas deaf man could convert films into DVD. So I had 7 Great Classic Films into 4 DVD. In a few years, Tony and I had sold or donated over 1,000 of them. Who would have ever thought of it?

What we had lost from Ohio, God turned the lost opportunity into great blessings of our old films into DVD technology. One Deaf lady gave out many copies of DVD on “Rapture” to many deaf and they had never heard of the Rapture that Jesus said, “One will be taken and another will be left.” One deaf lady got saved from watching the Rapture. That was a wonderful opportunity that God had used DVD what was in our hand.

When God called Moses to work for Him, Moses was troubled because he was aware of his own weaknesses. Moses had fears. So instead of accusing Moses of his weaknesses, God simply asked Moses a question, “What is that in your hand?” The Lord shifted Moses’ attention away from his anxiety about the future. God suggested that he take notice what was right in front of him—a shepherd’s rod. God showed Moses that He could use this ordinary staff to perform miracles for Him.

So God is asking you a question, “What is that in your hand?” Ask God to show you what you could do for Him. He did to Moses and God will do that for you. God is not going to accuse you of your weaknesses. Just look what you have now and trust Him today!!!

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