Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Crisis Testimony by Dot (5/21)

It was on #14 Prayer Request Listed: On May 20th, Tuesday, my purse was stolen. I thought you might want to know exactly what had really happen so here goes the interesting story. On Tuesday, May 20th, it was our day off from working at Taco Bell and we went to Denny for coffee and breakfast. Tony and I went to Kroger to buy some food and atm cash for $40 dollars. I had the purse over my shoulder to the waist. Then I followed Tony to the car trunk to put some bags into Sam’s Club bigger bags.
When we finished, I checked for my purse and it went missing. We emptied all the bags to see if I had misplaced it. I checked inside the car and went along the path to see if I had dropped the purse somewhere along the way to the store, Kroger. I went inside and check with the cashier and the manager. I realized it may have been missing so I start praying and displayed my folded hands in prayer.
While the managers went to their office to check the camera, I went outside walking and praying. I saw the rock at the corner of the parking lot, I sat on it. I started to pray out loud with my sign language, “Lord, speaking of the crisis Manna, I got my purse stolen!” So I started a demanding prayer: “Hey, whoever stole my purse, may the Lord convicted your hearts and you guys, return that purse to the police station, in Jesus’ name.”
I allowed Holy Spirit to take over and spoke in another language and I prayed again the same prayer 3 times. The lady came to me and asked if I was all right. I said, “My purse is stolen and I am praying.” Oh, she was sorry and left.
I got up and went inside in the Kroger Store and the manager who saw the camera said that I had the purse with me all the way to the line where I crossed, there were no camera on the other part of the parking lot. But it was assumed that I had the purse all the way to the trunk, but somehow it went missing.
So I had no choice but to go immediately to the Chase Bank which is across the street to cancel the debit cards. Then it was done. I went home to make calls for another bank to close my debit card and visa credit card. I also called T-Mobile to cancel my blackberry cell phone. Since I had paid the insurance, I would get a new cell phone. I told them to wait until I go to the police to report the missing purse.
As soon as I hug up the VP, the policeman just walked in with the blinking flash lights to get our attention because we left the door open for grocery bags and had forgotten to close it. It was a good thing and he showed me my drivers’ license and asked if it was mine. Definitely, it was mine. So I was to go to the police station to pick up my missing purse. I could not believe it. So I asked what happened!
The police said that the lady called and asked for policeman to come and pick up the purse that was on her lawn. Someone had drove by and threw my purse into her lawn. I had really prayed that God would convicted their hearts to leave my purse alone and demanded that it be returned to me. And I got my purse, but only thing was missing was $40 dollars cash and my cell phone.
                I went back to Kroger Store and met the cashier again and told her. She was disgusted that it should happened at the Kroger Parking lot where there are no camera on the other side of the parking lot. That’s explain why the thief knew this that they would not be caught.
            I came home and called T-Mobile that the purse was found, but the cell phone was definitely stolen so I will get a new 10z blackberry since it was chosen by insurance for me to pay only $150.00. Well, strange to say, I saw this as a “vision” and I thought it was trying to tell me to get something for Tony for the last few days. When T-Mobile said, “10z BB” suddenly I remember that vision. Why does this happened? I don’t know, but I know for one thing, “My purse was lost and now it is found, except for cash and old BB.”
            A lady at the Chase Bank said that she had her purse stolen at the store with cart pushed and can’t figure out how it went missing. She cried and it was never found. So most percentage says that purse stolen are almost never return so mine was a miracle that my demanding prayer got my purse back. So the praise goes to God for a miracle answering prayer. The crisis is my first experience to have my purse stolen in 71 years!
            One thing I noticed myself, “It got me angry enough to really pray through. I really gave the impression to those I spoke to, “I pray!” I wasn’t depressed. I was mad! I wasn’t going to let that thief be comfortable with that stolen purse of mine. Obviously, they got uncomfortable enough to threw it out to the lady’s lawn and allow her to take care of it so that is when she called the police for my missing purse. Imagine that!!!
            All that is left for me to do is to testify what God has done and to tell you how important it is to believe more than ever before. My prayer was a demanding prayer. Maybe it is time for a demanding prayer to be healed of any problems we have. Jesus gave us authority to do just that. “Take back what Satan has stolen from us” in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

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