Friday, October 4, 2013

Deer Pants for Water

October 3-7, 2013 Deer Pants for Water – Manna by Dorothy Callies

Psalms 42:1-2a “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God” (NKJV).

“A deer longs for streams of water. God, I long for you in the same way. I am thirsty for God. I am thirsty for the living God. When can I go and meet with him?” (New International Reader’s Version). (Pant=to breathe hard; yearn or long=desire eagerly).

David, as a psalmist was feeling separated from God and he wouldn’t rest until he restored his relationship with God because he knew that his very life depended on it. Just as the water is necessary for physical life, it gives a clear picture of God and His presence is necessary for our satisfaction and wholeness of life. We as the true believers will hunger and thirst for God and His grace, blessing, and supernatural activity in our lives.

When we stop our thirst for God, we will die spiritually. We need to check anything that would cause us to lose our intense desire for the things of God. One scripture warned about too much cares of this world, and chase after the earthly things, and the pleasures of the world would choke out the hunger and thirst after God and the desire to seek His face in prayer (Mark 4:19).

Someone said, “If we pay one tenth of our money that belongs to God, we could spend one tenth of 24 hours of our time to God daily. Out of 24 hours that is 2.40 hours. I asked Tony, my husband about this. He replied, “Take out 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours of work that leaves 8 hours.” The time included eating 3 times a day plus, getting ready for the day and bed time would be 2.00 hours. That leaves 6.00 hours minus 2.40 equal 3.60. 1/10 of 24 hours doesn’t seem much, but the problem is that sometimes we don’t realized how we used our times.

So what I am saying, is we need to be like “a deer that longs for the living water” so that our soul would always be conscious of being thirsty for God. David, the psalmist took the “time out” to seek God. Like David, let’s seek Him, communicate with Him, praying, listening, reading His Word, studying, listening to the music (hearing people are lucky since most of us deaf can’t hear), watching CC on TBN’s preaching & singing, read devotional books, etc. Just 2 hours and 40 minutes of daily 24 hours would be ideal to keep in touch with God.   

If you call up your friends through the video phone and give an encouragement one to another, it is part of 1/10 of your times. I find this a blessing to pray with friend. You might want to lift your cup to the Lord and let Him fill you with His presence and let your cup of the living waters be overflowed into your friend. It would be awesome? So let’s sing!

Song: Fill My Cup
Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord,
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul,
Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more.
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
(Inspiring Choruses)

Let the Lord fill your cup and continue to be overflowing into everlasting life!

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