Monday, December 5, 2011

Sprinkle Many Nations

Isaiah 52:15 KJV
"So he (the Messiah) shall sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and which they had not heard shall they consider."

NIRV left out one sentence on "he shall 'sprinkle' many nations." I like the rest of NIRV translation: "But many nations will be surprised when they see what he (the Messiah) has done. Kings will be so amazed that they will not be able to say anything. They will know the meaning of things they never heard about."

Reading from 52:13-15 of Isaiah, he was writing about the servant of the Lord is Jesus Christ Himself. Also Isaiah 53 foretold Christ's suffering and His glory. What I want to focus on was the prophecy of "sprinkle many nations." This phrase refers to the spiritual cleansing and purification that people from all nations would experience when they received the message of the Servant-Messiah. This cleansing would come by the "sprinkled blood of Christ."

In the Old Testament, there's an instruction from God to Moses about the "sprinkle" issues that this might become a series of "The Sprinkle." This topic has impressed me greatly especially "sprinkle blood." Now there are few things that came to my mind and my heart. It will takes several series of "the sprinkle" to be able to see the whole picture so please bear with me as I share the series of "The Sprinkle" this month.

Right now just a thought of this verse, "Jesus shall sprinkle many nations" lead me to do a lot of research on the "sprinkles" in the New Testament and the Old Testament. The Technology Bible shows about 80 in O.T. and seven in N.T. Mostly in Hebrews and one in Peter. It is going to be interesting because the word, sprinkle has a very important part of God's plan. Somehow it touched my heart and I will be able to share them with you as the Holy Spirit leads.

So trust God and pray for Holy Spirit's leading! It is very helpful! Thank you for caring!

Love and prayers,


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