Monday, June 8, 2020

Falling Away Series 4b 6/8/20

08 June 2020 Part 2 of Series 4 Falling Away
Manna revised from 12/9/17 by Dorothy and Tony Callies
Theme: Do not add to His Word.

I want to review from Proverbs 30:5 & 6 in NCV. “Every word of God is true.  He guards those who come to Him for safety.” And in verse 6 “Do not add to His words, or He will correct you and prove you are a liar.” KJV: “Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” The commentary from The Full Life Study Bible by Donald C. Stamps explained what would people add?

“God’s Word must not be mixed with human ideas and speculations, such as those found in worldly philosophy, psychology, sorcery, or spiritism. God’s revealed truth is fully enough to meet the spiritual needs of humankind. Those who teach that something must be added to Biblical truth in order to fulfill our lives in Christ are liars.” See #2

2 Peter 1:3 explained that “Jesus has the power of God, by which He has given us everything we need to live and to serve God. We have these things because we know Him.  Jesus called us by His glory and goodness” (NCV).  Commentary: “The love of our heavenly Father, salvation through Jesus Christ, His intercession for us in heaven, the indwelling of and baptism in the Holy Spirit, communion of the saints, and the inspired Word of God are all sufficient (enough to reach the goal) to meet the needs of believers as those things “that pertain unto life and godliness” (KJV).

#2 Commentary: No additional human wisdom, technique, or theory (idea) is needed to complete the sufficiency (meet one’s need) of God’s Word that reveals our perfect salvation in Christ. The words of Jesus, the N.T apostolic faith, and the grace of God were adequate (plenty enough) in the early days of the church to meet the needs of the lost, and they are just as enough for today. Jesus Christ alone is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

Dorothy: Okay, in my language what this really means . . . A person comes to me and say, “I am not satisfy with just to know that the Bible is truth. I want to add human ideas like philosophy. It means I want to study someone else belief’s about the way people should live. I want other gospel. That will make me feel good and satisfy for myself.” 

I say, “Whoa, watch out!”  Here’s a warning: “Do not add to His words, or He will correct you and prove you are a liar” (Proverbs 30:6).  Those who teach that something must be added to Biblical truth in order to fulfill our lives in Christ are liars.”  It means that if you teach something else that is not in the Bible, and you want to feel satisfied and are not depending on Christ to meet your spiritual need, you are making God a liar because you are saying, having Christ is NOT enough for you. Proverbs 30:6 “Do not add to His words, or He will correct you and prove you are a liar.”

May God convicted our hearts if we ever go astray from His teaching of God’s Word. Lord, I pray that we stay true to Your Word and that You would shield us when we put our trust in You. Thank You for open our eyes of warnings to keep us true to You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

God bless you today!

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