Tuesday, August 6, 2019

God Who Looks 8/6-9/19

06-09 April 2019 – God Who Looks – Manna by Dorothy & Tony Callies
Theme:  The Pursuing God or The God who looks for us.
Galatians 4:4-5 “God sent forth His Son, born of a woman . . . to redeem those who were under the law.”

One pastor of Presbyterian Church had observed that Christianity is special among all religions because it is about God pursuing us to draw us to Himself.  What exactly does the word, pursue means? It means to follow in order to catch up with and seize. In another words, God looks for us to bring us closer Him, close to His heart.

While in every other religious system, people pursue (chase) their god or idol, hoping that through their good behavior, keeping of rituals, good works, or other efforts, they will be accepted by the god or idol they pursue or look for.  

What a big difference between God and idol!  Our God who tried to find us while people tried to find an idol to worship to that their idols would be “satisfied” with them. No wonder God was angry and called that idols stupid because idols are made of wood, brass, or gold.  They cannot hear, see, feel, touch or even the idols cannot speak words of encouragement.

In the O. T. God had pursue His own people by sending prophets so many times to come back to Him. The Scripture shows us what kind of God we have! God talked to us … God feels for us … God hears our prayers … God sees our hearts … God touched us … God still heals today while idols cannot heal!

During the time when Jesus was among the people, they would still be under the law and the law “demands” death to those who have not obeyed the law. Especially those who broke the first commandment by worshiping an idol.  Jesus came to meet that law’s demands which He had died on the cross. So now Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law and set us free (Ga. 3:13). Hallelujah!

Truly God sent His Son, who was born of Mary, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law.  Meaning, God wants to save us through Christ . . . O what a Savior . . . His heart was broken . . . His hands were nail-scarred . . . His side was riven . . . He gave His life-blood so that we would be born-again and be with Him forever.

Song: What a Savior
1. Once I was staying in sin’s dark valley,
No hope within could I see;
They search thru heaven and found a Savior
To save a poor lost soul like me.
O what a Savior, O hallelujah,
His heart was broken on Calvary;
His hands were nail-scarred,
His side was riven,
He gave His life-blood for even me.

2. He left the Father, with all His riches,
With calmness sweet and serene (show peace),
Came down from heaven and gave His life-blood,
To make the vilest sinner clean. (Chorus)
(Marvin P. Dalton, Melodies of Praise)

May the Lord bless you!

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