Friday, June 30, 2017

Faith is He! 6/30

30 June 2017 - Faithful Is He – Devotion by Dorothy Callies

Today is a remarkable day that I need to share this with you. I went to visit Tony and it was close to lunch time.  During Tony’s break, he was lying down for a rest from the therapy labor that morning. The nurse came in his room to prepare his wheelchair beside Tony’s bed. Tony got up from the bed by himself without any help and he sat up. The nurse put on Tony’s shoes.  Then she brought out the walker and set it in front of him.  Tony's held one hand on the walker and the other hand push himself up and stood tall and straight.  He turned half way to enable him to sit on the wheelchair by himself.   

I was so surprised and I looked at the nurse in awe.  The nurse said to me that he is now doing it all by himself and he is doing good. Several nurses told me that they had seen him doing more things than before. Several nurses were impressed with Tony's progress.  I told Tony that he was actually glorified God by the way he was doing. God is working.

Then Tony and I came into the Sun Room for a bit before he goes into the dining room for lunch which was too early.  So we took the chance for me to read to him. I came across another surprised at this part of the story that I felt you need to see this. Tony’s testimony was during his college year of 1966 and it was when he became very ill. 

“One day I became very ill and I stopped at the post office on my way to see the nurse.  I got an unexpected letter with a check in it.  I wondered why the money was given to me when at that time I did not need money.  After seeing the nurse she told me that I should see the doctor and to get a shot and medicine.  The whole cost for the doctor and the medicine was exactly the amount of the check.  Praise God for His faithfulness.”

            Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. 1 Thes. 5:24 KJ

I looked at Tony and said in awe, “God already planned ahead and gave you the check even before you didn’t ask for it or didn't even know that you would need it.  That is a miracle. God truly took care of you during your college years.” So we quoted the Scripture again, “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.”

I shook my head in wonders and realized why God wants us to remember what He had done for Tony and God will do it again.  So we sang together out of memory.

Expect a miracle … when you pray ...
Expect a miracle … every day …
When you expect a miracle … God will find a way …
To perform a miracle for you … each day …

I see why God encourages me to write the daily journal so I would NOT forget the miracle that God has done today.  God is glorified when He performed a miracle.

May God bless you.


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