Thursday, February 16, 2017

God Will Strengthen 2/16-18

16-18 February 2017 - God Will Strengthen – Manna by Dorothy Callies

Colossians 1:11 NCV “God will strengthen you with His own great power that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient.”

On Monday the Feb. 13th, we were enjoying our day off with breakfast at Carmela’s and then to Bergner’s Mall just to walk through, but somehow we ended up looking for Tony’s shirt and vest were on sales. A little walk was enough for us so we left to do other errands.  Our car entered the Eastland Ave, and came to stop at a red traffic lights facing a busy freeway, Veterans Parkway. Tony’s car was on right lane, and he couldn’t see the oncoming cars from north. So he moved a little … BAM!  The van hit us. [We were okay.]

The man drove too fast really damaged our left rear end to where we could not open our trunk. The damaged was worth $4,000 so starting next Monday, Feb. 20th, we will take our car to Auto Body shop and it will take nine days to fix it. Meanwhile, man’s insurance covered the damaged and the rental car.  The reason for waiting is that they have to order part for our Mitsubishi Galant white car.

The damaged was bad enough to see black bumper and I was “tempted” to buy a baby diaper to cover the rear ended car.  Since Monday, we had to wait seven days, seeing this. I was concerned and the man who checked it, assured us that it was okay to drive it. 

It was like Satan was so angry seeing God doing great things and that he just had to do little more damaged to our car to pacify his anger.  Seeing the news that many people are left homeless due to the crisis weather, and other reasons.  I found the index card, 3x5” that says “. . . you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient.”

“So God will strengthen you with His own great power.” I repeat this several times until we felt His strengthen. Even though we are vulnerable which means we are being capable of being physically or emotionally wounded and open to attack or damage, God will make sure that His strengthen will help us through the rough times. 

I was looking for chorus and saw this.  I felt that looking at Calvary, remembering Jesus on the cross, so willingly, so generously, so freely given us His blood, His redeeming blood flowing . . . it brought tears to my eyes to realize that our troubles are ‘small.’

Song: Calvary’s Stream is Flowing
(Inspiring Choruses)
Calvary’s stream is flowing,
Calvary’s stream is flowing;
Flowing so free …
    for you and for me …
Calvary’s stream is flowing.

May God touch you that Calvary’s stream of Jesus’ redeeming blood is flowing so freely!


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