Friday, September 19, 2014

Hymn about Stephen 9/19-21 (Thank you, Bill)

19-21 Sept 2014 - Hymn about Stephen provided by Bill Persall of Canada. Thank you, Bill!

Acts 7:59-60 “And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he said this, he fell asleep.”

I want to thank Bill Persall of Canada for sending me the whole song that I could not find. I used to memorize all the words and put into a play, and sang it in sign language style. I had two players acted like people throwing “stones,” using brown papers crushed to look like the small stones. It was an unforgettable experience about Stephen who gave his life for Christ. There’s something about the song and I pray that it will touch your heart. Dorothy

The author of this hymn was Charles B. Wycuff.

Once a man name Stephen preached about the Lord,
Folks were saved and folks were healed, As they heard his word;
Satan did not like it, Soon he had his crowd,
And as he was tried they heard Stephen cry aloud.
“I see Jesus, standing at the Father’s right hand,
I see Jesus yonder in the promised land;
Work is over, now I’m coming to thee,
I see Jesus, standing waiting for me.”

As the stones fell on him beating out his life,
Stephen knew he’d soon be through with all toil and strife;
So much like the Master, with a heart so true,
He prayed, ‘Lord forgive for they know not what they do.’
“I see Jesus, standing at the Father’s right hand,
I see Jesus yonder in the promised land;
Work is over, now I’m coming to thee,
I see Jesus, standing waiting for me.”

Through the gates of glory down the streets of gold,
Marched a hero of the Lord into heaven’s fold;
When he met the Saviour at the great white throne,
I believe He smiled and said, ‘Stephen welcome home.’
“I see Jesus, standing at the Father’s right hand,
I see Jesus yonder in the promised land;
Work is over, now I’m coming to thee,
I see Jesus, standing waiting for me.”

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