Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Series Seven: Ashes in Heaven

Hebrews 9:28 "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many ..."

Jesus became the sin bearer. Jesus became the bearer of sins of others because He was sinless. He was smitten, not for His own, but for ours!

Now, let us visualize Jesus coming into heaven from the darkness of the pit of hell, bearing the sins of the whole world. Jesus bowed down, with his priestly garments torn and splattered with mud, filthy with the rot and stench of the world. Jesus came with His shoulders bowed into the presence of God. (This should break our hearts.)

Then as Jesus stood there, bowed, with God's back turns towards him, Gabriel, the angel of the Lord, spoke in a loud voice and said, "Take those filthy garments from Him, remove them to a place where they will never be found, and put on Him now the new, kingly robes, the royal priestly robes." Then the angels who stood before Him placed the robes over Him and Gabriel said, "Take a crown and put it on His head." That is when Jesus became our King and our High Priest! (Zechariah chapter 3, name of Joshua is really Jesus in Greek language.)

Next thing, let's visualize Jesus, the High Priest, carrying His blood as He enters the very tabernacle of God in the heavens where records of sin are kept! He splashed His blood on the book of broken laws, and upon the altar of the broken commandments as a thick cloud blotting out forever the records of anything that is written in heaven that you could be charged with. Jesus had turned those charges as sins into ashes. All of our failures are covered by the blood that speaks to God, and the blood of Jesus says, "It is done! It is finished!"

We could pray like this: "Jesus, thank you for tasting death for me. Thank you for destroying all evidence of sin that has been held against me, and turned those records into ashes. Help me to believe that those ashes were really gone!"

What this meant to me?
On the earth during Moses' time, the "ashes" were the type of our sins what Christ would do in heaven and the "ashes" were completed once for all.

If a sinner accepted Christ, his sins were already "in ashes" 2,000 years ago in heaven. Did you get that? That was why Jesus said, "It is finished!" What was finished? Christ's work was finished. His blood sprinkled on old records and they were turned into ashes since the beginning of Adam's time until the end of the world. At 'The Great White Throne' sinners will face why they didn't take this opportunity that their sins were forgiven through Christ and that their sins were already turned to ashes. They didn't take it. Instead they will "taste second death in the lake of fire" when Jesus already did that! Oh! Let us pray for lost souls!

Let us be faithful to Him!

Note: Some part of the statement from the book,
The Angel Assignment by Rolland Buck.

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