Thursday, February 17, 2011

Morning and Evening!

I Chronicles 23:30 – [Levites] “... stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, and likewise (same thing) at evening ...”

Why did the Holy Spirit brought song to my heart, ‘To God Be the Glory’ yesterday [2/16] early morning at 2:49 a.m.? Maybe I was anxious about several things, praying this and that. And I felt like some of the prayer wasn’t being answered. Maybe prayer has brought some healings, but not all of it as we would have liked to.

So I searched the scriptures on “praising God” and came to First Chronicles 23 about the Levites’ duties concerning the Tabernacle. I Chronicles 23:30 – “... stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, and likewise at evening ...” Did I miss something? Maybe! I have been restless during the evenings and now I realized what I was missing. To thank and praise God in the evening like the Levites did.

Then I saw this message pasted on the wall. Part of it quoted from the book, “Come Away, My Beloved” by Frances Robert. It was as if God was speaking to my heart and reminding me again. And maybe to you? “So praise Me continually, for Praise worketh Faith, and God inhabiteth (lives in the heart) the Praise of His People. If ever I seem to be far from thee, PRAISE! If ever darkness seemeth to press about thee, this know, --- thou has neglected to PRAISE ME. Love ME: pour out thy adoration and worship. Be sure of this: LOVE NEVER FAILETH. Loving Me never fails to bring Me to thy side. He (you who) seeth Me most clearly who (the one that) lovest Me most dearly.”

So let's praise God today!


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