13-15 Dec 2020 - Hope Series 30 – by Dorothy & Tony Callies
Theme: Paul have hope in being raised from the dead.
The last two Manna 28 & 29 talked about some of the people who believed that “being dead stays dead.” That means there is no hope for them. But there is someone else who talked about the subject of “dead.” It was Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, who wrote about “death.” I found New Century Version was very clear in our language that helps to understand the King James Version better.
Philippians 3:10-11- KJV: Paul said, “That I may know (learn about) Him (Jesus), and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship (share) of His sufferings, being made conformable (character like) unto His death; v11. By any means I might attain (reach the goal) unto the resurrection of the dead.”
Phil. 3:10-11 NCV: v10. I want to know Christ and the power that raised Him from the dead. I want to share in His sufferings and become like Him in His death. V11. Then I have hope that I myself will be raised from the dead.” That was the hope Paul was waiting for that he would be resurrected just like Jesus had been resurrected.
Now for us today, we have hope that we, too will be resurrected just like Him. If you asked, “Where’s a proof that would really happen to the “saints of God?” Alright … question for you … Did you know that there’s a Scripture that’s found in KJV in Matthew 27:52-53 and it says, “And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the SAINTS (CHRISTIANS) which SLEPT (dead) AROSE, And CAME OUT OF THE GRAVES after his (Christ’s) resurrection, and went into the holy city (Jerusalem), and appeared unto many?”
Can you imagine the shocked that many friends and families met with their loved ones who came out of the graves to greet and hug them before Jesus led them into heaven and He sprinkled the blood on the way to heaven for their atonement? This gives us a proof that those who died went to heaven in spirits and souls, will come back to unite their bodies and the graves will be opened and their bodies will rise up. Hallelujah!
Now another thought popped up: If they were not in heaven yet, where have their souls been? Jesus spoke of a Paradise at the cross when one man asked Jesus to remember him. Jesus took the man with him to “Abraham’s bosom” which was called “Paradise, the waiting place.” They were waiting for Jesus to come and sprinkle the blood upon them. They were the ones with spirits and souls, went into their bodies to be united and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after Jesus’ resurrection. And Jesus led them into heavenly place into the very throne of God’s amazing grace. [Ref. Luke 16:22]
Isn’t this enough proof that we have hope just like Paul have hope in being raised from the dead? I have to say, “Wow, that’s a powerful message I have ever seen!” Thanks to James 1:5-6 asking God for wisdom. He is truly glorified!
God bless you!
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