Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Generosity 27 - 7/9/19

09 July 2019 - Building Character 27 – by Dorothy Callies
Theme: Generosity Builds Character – Series 27

II Corinthians 9:7 “. . . let him give . . . for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Every time you give out of your heartfelt offering to those who teaches or preaches the Word of God, it strengthening your character.  So if you are looking for a way to improve the quality of your life, just be generous in giving to those who are in need. It will build your character. Simple as that.

A friend from East send a plant two years ago and the plant still survive. It was a generosity and kindness to let us know that they are praying for us. Especially cards, it is always a great encouragement to receive them.  You can know that the card you sent would always cheer them and encourage them that you care.  That is another example of being generosity.

At this time, I need to put the Manna “Under Construction” so I could increase time in prayer and intercession.  I sense “a halt” meaning I am not able to do more on “Building Character” series or do more of Manna.

Manna "under construction" probably last a month until August 9, 2019.  Until then, may God bless you!

PS. Meanwhile, I use Joseph Prince Ministries, Daily Grace Inspiration for our devotion.  You might like to try this: grace.inspirations@josephprince.org 

You will need to add to the contact so they will automatically send you this devotion every morning at 3 a.m.  Joseph Prince Daily Devotion provides great encouragement to the readers.  

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