Saturday, April 16, 2011


GUEST devotion from Martha Clements

Scripture Reading: Acts 8:26-40

Acts 8:32-33
32 The portion of Scripture he was reading was this:
"He was like a sheep being led to be killed.
He was quiet, as a lamb is quiet while its wool is being cut;
he never opened his mouth.
33 He was shamed and was treated unfairly.
He died without children to continue his family.
His life on earth has ended." Isaiah 53:7-8

The apostle, Philip obeyed the Spirit and was led to the foreign man from Ethiopia, Africa. He witnessed to him, why? The man from Ethiopia was reading Isaiah 53 and didn't understand. Philip was willing to explain what the Scriptures was saying, and was able to tell him of Jesus!

What would we do if we meet someone who was reading the Bible, maybe KJV, and not understanding it? Should we explain to him or her who is Jesus? Should we be bold enough to tell people about Jesus?

These days we must be bold! why? Because time is short! Jesus is coming very soon! Praise God! We must bring the message of good news to all people, all deaf people today before it is too late to share the message.

God is a good God! He does not want all to perish. 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slow in doing what he promised--the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but he wants all people to change their hearts and lives."

Are you ready to share the good news of Jesus Christ?

Song: T'was a glad day by Albert Simpson Reitz

T'was a glad day when Jesus found me
When His strong arms were thrown around me.
When my sins He buried in the deepest sea,
And my soul He filled with joy and victory.
T'was a glad day, O Alleludia
He claimed His own.
I will shout a glad hosanna in glory
When I see Him upon His throne.

God bless you all,
Martha Clements

Thank you Martha!

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